Natural Disasters


What do I have to do?
In groups of four, you are  to find out how human activity affects the impact of natural disaster.

Choose one of the following natural disasters:

Once you have chosen your natural disaster you are to:
Step 1. Find out how the disaster is formed
Step 2. Choose an area where your disaster has recently hit
Step 3. Investigate the recent human activity in this area and find out if the impact of this disaster was worse than before

To complete these steps you are to click on the link for your selected natural disaster and complete the activities.

Your final task is to create a poster displaying:
-  A description of your natural disaster
-  Recent human activity in the area
-  How the disaster impacts the area now
-  You must include pictures on your poster

What resources can I use?
- In each disaster page there is a list of useful websites
- These websites can also be access via the resources page