Natural Disasters


An earthquake occurs when rocks on either side of faults in Earth's crust suddenly break and slide past each other. Many earthquakes occur as some rocks resist movements deep within Earth's crust causing techtonic plates to separate, collide and slide past each other.  

Activity 1:
Define the following words:
-  Faults
-  Tectonic plates
-  Richter scale  

Activity 2: How are they caused?
-  Research the websites below
-  Create your own definition of how an earthquake is caused  

Activity3: Christchurch Earthquake 2011
-  Using the websites below, research the NZ earthquake to answer the following questions
>  How big was it on the Richter scale?
>  Was the infrastructure of Christchurch changed before the disaster struck?
>  What could be done to prepare for next time?
-  Find pictures to support this information  

Useful Websites

Congratulations! You are now ready for your final task